Latest Past Events

Partnerships in Religion and Public Health

Duke University Hospital North, Room 2001

From the Broad Street Pump, to Call the Midwife, to the Ebola Crisis:  Partnerships in Religion and Public Health Much of the research on religion and health has been focused at the individual level.  In clinical research the subjects are patients and the outcomes are measures of mental or physical health.  Even in population-based research, data […]

Fourth Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture

Shaw University - Estey Hall 721 S. Wilmington Street, Raleigh

The Division of FaithHealth Ministries of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and Shaw University Divinity School invite you to the Fourth Annual John W. Hatch FaithHealth Lecture Series.he lecture series will: Provide a forum for participants to engage in diverse streams of intellectual knowledge gained through individuals, communities and institutions relevant to the fields of […]