By Ellen Idler | Posted originally to the OUP Blog If you think about big public health challenges of our day — the Ebola virus in Africa, the rising rates of suicide among the middle-aged in the United States, the HIV epidemic everywhere — religions are playing a...
April 3, 2017 – Lecture by Dave Robinson at the Rollins School of Public Health Fear, Death, Faith, and Trust: Muslims and Christians Fighting Ebola Together in Sierra Leone References World Vision International—Protecting the Living Honouring the Dead Ebola...
From Baylor Lariat A panel of faculty from the religion, public health and sociology departments hosted a discussion about how people relate to sex as the concluding part of a series about sexual assault and rape culture Thursday evening in the Baylor Sciences...
From Religion News Service I was thrilled to hear that PBS’ “Call the Midwife” has started a new season in the U.S., especially since a British friend had sworn to me that no more episodes were being produced. Back we can go to those breath-holding glimpses of...
HuffPost, April 11, 2017 “…what is the impact of the public trashing of religion on the lives of the great majority of Americans who profess a belief in God? New research exploring the relation between mental health and negative media portrayals of religion reveals...